



Pinecrest Research Corporation, Inc. has conducted restoration of a variety of ecosystem types including streams, lakes, wetlands, vernal pools, grasslands, and pygmy forests. We also conduct research and advocacy in the public interest on a variety of topics. See our Research & Justice page for more information.

Biological Assessments & special-status SPECIES SURVEYS

Pinecrest provides a full array of environmental reports and services including biological assessments, restoration & revegetation plans, wetland delineations, invasive species monitoring plans, special-status animal and plant surveys, lake & streambed alteration agreements, fish passage assessments, water quality certifications, mitigation & monitoring plans, sediment and erosion control plans, fire prevention plans, and other technical studies and reports.


Geographic Information Systems (GIS) & Remote Sensing

We are proud to offer in-house geospatial analyses using both traditional GIS platforms, Google Earth Engine, and also high-resolution drone-based aerial photography and videography. Offerings include all types of map and figure preparation, web mapping, suitability analyses, aerial vegetation mapping, network analysis, and orthorectification.